Yucca Powder 8oz


Yucca Root Powder


Yucca is a succulent that grows throughout the southern United States-  Mexico. This evergreen, clump-forming plant behaves seasonally in desert areas, flowering with the rains, which can be years apart. The tall spikes of the scented, tulip like flowers yields dry fruits.

Botanical Name: Yucca filimentosa

Common Names: Amole, soapweed, soapwell

Medicinal Part: Root


Yucca Root Powder


Yucca is a succulent that grows throughout the southern United States-  Mexico. This evergreen, clump-forming plant behaves seasonally in desert areas, flowering with the rains, which can be years apart. The tall spikes of the scented, tulip like flowers yields dry fruits.

Botanical Name: Yucca filimentosa

Common Names: Amole, soapweed, soapwell

Medicinal Part: Root